Why Looping?

Merriam's current loops are K-1, 2-3, 4-5 with 6th grade as a stand-alone year. Looping has been around since the 1900s and there is much research, which praises its benefits.

  • One of the more obvious benefits is that looping fosters a safe, nurturing climate where problem solving, risk taking, and active involvement are encouraged.
  • A strong sense of community is built among student, teacher, and family members.
  • Anxiety about the new school is virtually eliminated for the second year in a loop.
  • Other benefits include extra teaching time, as “getting-to-know-you time” is unnecessary during the second year.
  • Students have more time to develop critical social skills and practice cooperative group strategies.
  • Teachers gain a deeper knowledge about a child’s intellectual strengths and weaknesses that is not possible during a single year together.
  • At Merriam we believe that the long-term relationships that are developed as a result of looping are incredibly valuable to a child’s education and development.

    Below are links to research articles around Looping:

    Looping at One Elementary School.pdf
    Looping ECE.pdf
    Looping- An Empirical Evaluation.pdf
    Teacher & Parent Perspectives on Looping.pdf
    The Effects of Looping on the Academic Achievement of Elementary.pdf

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